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电话: (02) 8068 7376

传真: (02) 8068 7334

地址: Shop 5/ 8-10 Northumberland Rd, Auburn NSW 2144 (奥本火车站Rawson街出口对面,理发店一侧)

营业时间 :


周一至周五: 上午8:30至 下午6:00

周六周日: 上午9:00至 下午4:00

公共节假日:  上午9:00至 下午4:00

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Continuity of Care持续性医疗
浏览数:458   发布时间:2016-2-23

Continuity of Care

It is important to have a regular GP or attend the same practice to provide an on-going medical record and an understanding of your overall health needs. You will also feel more comfortable about discussing symptoms and concerns even if you feel they are trivial or embarrassing. Pathology Blood tests ordered by your doctor can be performed on site. All pathology tests are covered by Medicare for patients holding a current Medicare card.

(02) 8068 7376

周一至周五: 上午8:30至 下午6:00

周六至周日: 上午9:00至 下午4:00


网址 : www.auburnmc.com.au

地址: Shop 5/ 8-10 Northumberland Rd, Auburn NSW 2144 (奥本火车站 Rawson街出口对面,理发店一侧)

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